Ship Car from California to Florida

Need Affordable Car Shipping from California to Florida?

There is no doubt that the driving distance from California to Florida is no short haul. In total, it takes roughly 50 hours of continuous driving to travel from San Francisco (Northern California) to Miami (South Florida). There are several highway routes that take even longer than 50 hours. All of this raises an important question… Do you have something better to do with your time than to drive a vehicle across the country from California to Florida? Many factors drastically raise the cost to drive a vehicle from state to state. What if you were able to have your car shipped from California to Florida for less than it would cost you to drive yourself? Contact American Auto Transport to get an INSTANT quote to ship a car from California to Florida and back.

Vehicle Info

Personal Info

When you use Auto Transport American Auto Transport to ship your car from California to Florida and back, you get all of this and more. It’s actually cheaper to ship your vehicle with us than it is to drive yourself, and we guarantee that it’s 100% less boring! Feel free to contact us today and get your INSTANT Quote from California to Florida. Additionally, we offer carrier services from Florida to California as well.

Hiring American Auto Transport to ship your car from California to Florida offers a host of advantages that make it a convenient and reliable choice. Firstly, American Auto Transport is well-equipped to handle long-distance car shipping, and they have an extensive network of carriers and resources at their disposal. This means they can typically provide efficient and timely pickup and delivery, ensuring your vehicle reaches its destination in Florida without unnecessary delays. Their experience in navigating the logistics of cross-country transportation ensures a seamless process, making it a hassle-free solution for individuals and businesses.

Secondly, American Auto Transport offers various transportation options to suit your needs and preferences. Whether you have a standard car, luxury vehicle, or even a specialty automobile, they have the expertise and equipment to accommodate your requirements. They offer both open and enclosed carriers, allowing you to choose the level of protection your vehicle needs during transit. This flexibility ensures that your car arrives in Florida in the same condition it left California, providing peace of mind throughout the journey. Overall, American Auto Transport’s commitment to efficiency, customization, and vehicle protection makes them a trusted choice for shipping your car from California to Florida.

3 Ways to Get an Instant Quote

Costs when transporting your own vehicle:

  • Plane ticket – $300-500
  • Food – $150
  • Time / Opportunity Costs – $200-300
  • Gas – $300
  • Lodging – $300

Approximate costs: $1,200.00

Your total costs, at minimum, would be more than $1,000 and that does not include the time that you will be away from your family and job, not to mention the stress of making a cross-country drive. Contact us today to get an INSTANT Quote to ship your car from California to Florida and back.

Save yourself the time and hassle: contact American Auto Transport for a free quote on transporting your vehicle between California and Florida, today.

Car Transport